The CEO’s Guide For Developing Emerging Leaders

“Are leaders born or are they made?”

For the longest time, this question has been debated in business forums, classes and seminars across the globe.  And to this day, this question still stands – are leaders truly made or are they born with these abilities?

In a study conducted by Science Daily, it was suggested that leadership is 30% genetic and 70% learned. The findings of this research propose that leaders are made and not born. While some people have inherent traits that can help them become good leaders, leadership is still a skill that can be learned and developed. 

Although some leaders utilise their innate capabilities and strengths to lead.  For example, some people are naturally influential, and even without much effort, they can inspire others simply by their presence or demeanor.  This does not mean that you won't be able to mold someone in your team to become a leader just because they do not have innate skills. Those who do not possess these skills naturally must learn and obtain them in other ways.

The most common practice among workplaces is to train individuals internally within the organisation through a leadership development program or work with an external provider to implement a leadership course specific to the needs of the organisation.  

Outside of those solutions, here are some tips to help you further develop the emerging leaders among your team.

  1. Learn to recognise potential

    One of the most important tips that you can apply is to seek emerging leaders within your team. In a diverse company, budding leaders can be found anywhere. Hence, it is your responsibility to identify these emerging leaders who can step in and fill critical roles when necessary. To be able to create leaders, you must know how to encourage and push people out of their comfort zone. Placing them in an unusual situation can be an excellent way to gauge whether or not they have what it takes to become a leader. 

  2. Provide opportunities for leadership development

    Developing leadership skills should be a part of your business strategy. A leadership plan should cover every level and indicate when an employee should be ready to take on a leadership role. While training and mentorship does help, these should never be a substitute for experience and on-the-job learning. Making them undergo challenging assignments or job rotations can help them develop new abilities, improve their confidence, and deepen their understanding of the different roles in the organisation.

  3. Monitor, measure, reward

    Failing is part of growth, and budding leaders will not be spared. There will be times that they might commit mistakes. And as a mentor, it is your duty to correct those mistakes and make them see how to improve themselves further. Do not give up on people easily. Instead, try to be patient with them and establish the importance of accountability. 
    In contrast, giving them rewards and credit for a job well done is also necessary for leadership development. You might choose to implement an appraisal and incentive system to evaluate their performance fairly.

  4. Support through coaching

    Since we have established that leaders are made and not born, it is up to you as a mentor to guide your potential leaders. One on one Coaching is a form of development you can utilise to have one-to-one discussions where you can offer guidance and advice for specific areas. Through coaching, you can support your emerging leaders and provide them with assistance for any obstacles they might encounter. This can also help you identify and address the weakness and fears of your budding leaders.

  5. Instill leadership qualities

    There are many leadership qualities that one must obtain to develop effective leadership skills. Whether you manage a small team, a whole department, or an entire company, these traits will allow you to drive people and projects to success. 

    And here are some of those leadership traits:


    An effective leader knows how to take responsibility for their team’s performance, whether the outcome is good or bad. Remember that if you are a leader, your team will be under your supervision, and the results of your efforts will always begin with your leadership. But this does not mean you should take all of the credit or let your team get away from their mistakes. You must learn how to praise your team when they perform well and provide constructive feedback to help them improve.


    They say “change is constant”, and this is true. Because of this, an effective leader must be prepared to adjust plans, schedules, and even goals at any time. Aim for a flexible approach that will allow you and your team to pivot when necessary. Being agile also enables you to develop other skills such as resourcefulness and problem-solving abilities.


    When you are a leader, you are a key figure in a department or company. Given this, a leader should demonstrate confidence to instill motivation among their team members. A leader must remain composed and conviction even when faced with problems. Confident leaders show their members that they can rely on them, eventually creating a culture of trust. 


    While leaders are expected to impose strict and tough decisions, they must also remain empathic. You must do your best to empathize with the realities of your team. Allowing yourself to immerse in their situation can help you understand their struggles and assist them in solving their issues. Understanding your team members can help you better achieve your team goals. 


    Distractions are common in our everyday lives. But leaders should remain unfazed and focused in handling possible distractions, especially when achieving goals. An efficient leader must know how to focus on the essential aspects and complete their objectives while managing their time and resources. 


    In the workplace, some things might not go according to plan, or there might be various risks you should take. This is why a leader should have the capability to be decisive. This trait is a key to effectively knowing what risks to take, how to adapt to changes and can help execute plans and achieve goals. 

    Improve your leadership skills with Corporate Learning Solutions

    Developing your emerging leaders with the right skills, knowledge and attitudes can be a challenging task to do internally within an organisation if a leadership development program is now already in place. Seeking help from companies that offer leadership and management development courses can help to mold future leaders of your team.

    Here at Corporate Learning Solutions, we can help you to identify your emerging leaders and put them through our flagship Leadership Development Program.  This program will provide them with the 8 skills required to become a world class leader

    For more leadership tips, you can check Corporate Learning Solutions’ website at


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