If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
-Isaac Newton
Professional Development
Greg Kinnaird conducts One on One and Small Group coaching face to face and online platforms. These coaching sessions have been undertaken locally, nationally and internationally across various industry groups including Government, Local Government and Corporate Sectors.
Coaching tends to be focused on helping leaders within an organisation to improve their leadership and personal performance.
Coaching can enable the executive to have a “thinking space” and a sounding board to think through issues and generate new ideas. I have found that it is often as much about the personal growth of the individual and can be transformational for them, as they redefine their purpose or what is important to them personally.
Types of coaching available:
Executive Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Career Coaching
Team Coaching
Business Coaching
Greg is experienced in establishing workplace Mentoring programs. Mentoring gives experienced staff in an organisation the opportunity to provide guidance and personal support to less experienced team members. They can be beneficial to an organisation in a number of ways. Typically, the mentor/mentee relationship is a one-on-one arrangement, where the mentee is guided through skills and career development, as well as professional growth. They also bring a well-organised transfer of skills (in both directions) between the mentor and mentee, for the benefit of the company. Which is essential for the changing demographic of the workplace.
Benefits of coaching and mentoring programs
Solutions - Deal with current and real issues
Confidentiality - Discuss and resolve your problems with a like-minded professional from outside of your organisation
Professional Development - You will be developing your skills while ensuring that you are kept informed of global business trends
Time efficient - Use your time effectively to find solutions to challenges you face
Flexibility - Coaching sessions are available in person, via zoom or email. Simply schedule a time and format which suits you best. Mentoring can be arranged at a time that best suits the mentor and mentee.
This program can be customised to the organisations need and supports the 70:20:10 principles of learning which embeds learning back into the workplace. This program can be delivered face to face, online, one on one or a blended learning solution.
Assess For Success.
Corporate Learning Solutions is uniquely accredited in a wide variety of assessment tools to assist with developing your leaders.