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 Corporate Wellness is about increasing self empowerment and self esteem of the individual at work. Both are directly linked to increasing productivity and profits.

Many years of progressive research has indicated that high levels of organisational performance and success is primarily based on four key factors, these being:

  1. Balance

  2. Connection

  3. Performance

  4. Purpose

Balance is about developing the Confidence, Mental Agility and Physical Health of an individual. In regards to Connection, a workplace leader needs to create an environment that supports Collaborative Relationships, Empathy and Effective Communications as these for vital for developing the self esteem of an individual.

At the end of the day, workplace leaders want Performance, and the best way of doing this is by creating opportunities for Achievement, Growth and Adaptability for their people.

Organisations have a duty of care to create both a physically safe and psychologically safe working environment. Managers should have the same responsibility to individuals within their team.

That is undertaking Corporate Wellness Surveys and Programs such as The Balance Programs are so popular.

The glue that holds it together is Purpose. It is vital to have Aligned Values of the individual and organisation, Goal Clarity and Work-Life Balance, in order to achieve high levels of performance and success while maintaining a motivational and pleasant environment.

Here’s your chance…

Take 5 minutes to complete our simple survey that focuses on Mindfulness and Wellness at Work.

You will immediately identify the critical factors that will help you develop strategies to gain commitment and support for mindfulness and work/life balance.

After this, I invite you to personally contact me to discuss getting the balance back in your life.




Evaluate each criterion in terms of how you would rate the current demonstrated levels of performance.

1 = Very Low level of demonstrated performance

2 = Low level of demonstrated performance

3 = Moderate level of demonstrated performance

4 = High level of demonstrated performance

5 = Very High level of demonstrated performance

Reflect on your behaviours and actions that you have taken in the workplace over the past three to six months.

As a person seeking balance at work do you….

  • …seem to have plenty of time yourself?

  • …find that you are good at delegating and sharing your workload when necessary?

  • …get the right amount of exercise?

  • …have the right weight for your height?

  • …get the right amount of undisturbed sleep?

  • …have less than 3 caffeine drinks a day?

  • …demonstrate that life presents to you lots of excitement and positive challenges?

  • …have plenty of energy to do the things that you want to do?

  • …find it easy to say “no” when you have to?

  • …make decisions with little stress and worry?

  • …strike the right balance between your work life and leisure time?

  • …feel that you are adequately recognised for what you put in?


Your action plan…


List the top three identified performance gaps and consider possible solutions that are easy to implement and will give you the greatest personal impact.




 In summary, what are we saying…

Mindfulness and Corporate Wellness is an effective way to increase an individual’s mindfulness which in turn increases productivity, reduces staff turnover and absenteeism and to increase job satisfaction through self empowerment.


Why is creating corporate paradigm shifts important?


Why is it important to know why corporate wellness?